Провідний світовий розробник інтелектуального програмного забезпечення VMS і PSIM
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AxxonSoft VMS Installed in the Grand Trade Business Center in Republika Srpska

In Banja Luka, one of the largest cities of Republika Srpska, a modern business center has been built. The complex has 14 stories and a total area of 200,000 square meters.


There are a huge number of people in the business center every day - more than 1300 employees, visitors and technical staff. For this reason, the security of people and property in a building like this is a key issue. When setting the objectives for the installation of a security system in the Grand Trade Business Center, the customer outlined typical requirements: all the infrastructure of the Center — its territory, office space, and utility areas, as well as entrances and exits — must be carefully monitored.

Our partner

The distributor of equipment for security system installation was Master B.C. (www.masterbc.co.rs), one of the largest distributors in the market of the former Yugoslavia, focused on promoting and selling various hardware and solutions with diverse levels of complexity and scale.


The client selected AxxonSoft to provide software, which could meet its objectives. Its key product, the state-of-the-art AxxonSoft video management system, was installed on 10 servers. Four remote client computers were also connected to the system, enabling uninterrupted recording of video from 186 cameras in all. Live video from cameras is viewed in a single monitoring center.


Once the AxxonSoft VMS security system was fully functioning in the Grand Trade Business Center, the customer noted that it had not had any technical problems or complications in terms of use of the system. Thus, the installed AxxonSoft software fully satisfied all the client's wishes and requirements at such an important business facility as a business center.

"We are pleased that our company was selected as the supplier of advanced and high-tech software products. This enables the installer company's specialists to design and deliver solutions for projects with the widest range of required functions using a single platform for building security systems."

Fedor Mendelev, Sales Director, AxxonSoft Eastern Europe

Додаткова корисна інформація

"Axxon PSIM спростила аргументацію щодо збільшення рентабельності інвестицій. Коли ми впровадили її в роздрібній торгівлі, ми змогли показати клієнту, що кількість охоронців можна скоротити. Це безпосередньо призвело до скорочення витрат і підвищення рентабельності інвестицій."

Антоніо Клодзінскі, комерційний директор, MultiSystems (партнер AxxonSoft у Бразилії)

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