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AxxonSoft seminar meets warm reception in Bulgaria

AxxonSoft seminar meets warm reception in Bulgaria

AxxonSoft’s June seminar "Integration and Analytics: Real-World Case Studies" attracted the attention of Bulgarian partners of the company. Integrators and installers of AxxonSoft-based solutions, as well as distributors, were in abundance at the event, which was held at RIU Pravets Resort in Pravets, not far from Sofia, the country’s capital.

Seminar participants saw how innovative AxxonSoft software is deployed in the field, functioning as part of complex security systems at sites of all types. Company specialists shared the secrets to success in auction bids and the fine points of project implementation with the assembled guests.

AxxonSoft specialists captured the interest of the audience with the history of development of the company’s products, from the popular, market-leading Axxon PSIM to the innovative next-generation Axxon VMS smart video platform.

Later remarks went straight to the concerns of the company’s partners: best practices in implementation of the Axxon VMS video management system and Axxon PSIM at real-world sites, as well as the company’s popular industry-specific vertical solutions: POS PSIM (retail transaction monitoring), Face PSIM (facial recognition), ATM PSIM (protection of automated bank terminals), and Auto PSIM (license plate recognition and road safety/traffic monitoring).

Participants learned about installation and operation of AxxonSoft-based security systems at sites from Lukoil gas stations to the central rail station in Wrocław (Poland), TransCreditBank, and more.

The event also offered an outstanding opportunity to learn about partnership with AxxonSoft, for hardware vendors, integrators, and distributors. Company specialists spoke about technical consulting for projects as well as the support that AxxonSoft offers its partners for integration, startup, training, and development of client solutions in the field.

The seminar attracted around 30 companies and paved the way for continued cooperation among the leading players on the European market for high-tech security solutions.

"I’m delighted with the seminar results: almost everybody who expressed an interest in coming to the event found the time and opportunity to attend. I am so thankful to them for being with us.
A special thanks should also go to Comel Soft Multimedia, ANDY and RANINA, who helped us with seminar preparation. It was especially fulfilling to see the agreement with Comel Soft Multimedia for manufacturing of servers with AxxonSoft software pre-installed. These will be NVRs that come bundled with Axxon VMS Start. Plans are to sell the system in three different configurations with support for different numbers of cameras. We hope that we will be able to put this product on the market this fall. And finally, I’d like to recognize the coordination virtuosos among our small team whose efforts made it possible to prepare and hold the event",

commented Alexey Mendeleyev, director of AxxonSoft representative offices in
Eastern Europe.

"The RANINA team extends its thanks for being invited to take part in the Integration and Analytics: Real-World Case Studies seminar organized by AxxonSoft. The presentations were excellent, combining valuable knowledge about the company’s products with the experience needed to make the most of them in action. We also have to pay our due to the flawless organization of the event. We hope that more such initiatives on the part of AxxonSoft will help the company to cement its ever-increasing popularity throughout the Bulgarian market!"

said Emil Marinov, CEO and partner at RANINA.

"I was so happy to be included in your event! For us and our partners as well, participation was great fun and enormously useful. The seminar was professional and the resulting opportunities that opened up for cooperation with AxxonSoft were perhaps the most rewarding part. Many thanks again for the warm reception",

said Angel Angelov, Sales Director, ANDY.